ProElut™ QuEChERS Kits
In 2003, USDA scientists developed a groundbreaking sample preparation method for multi-pesticide residue analysis in a wide variety of food and agricultural products. The QuEChERS (pronounced “catchers“) procedure entails a number of simple processing steps and is thus fast and easy to perform with little susceptibility to errors.
QuEChERS provides high recoveries for a very broad scope of pesticides belonging to various chemical classes and delivers the final extract in acetonitrile, thereby giving full flexibility in the choice of the determinative analysis technique. Direct connection with liquid and gas chromatography is possible.
ProElut™ QuEChERS is an innovative sample preparation method for multi-pesticide residue analysis, standing for Quick, Easy,Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe. Now, QuEChERS has become a standard approach for the determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables across the world. In addition, different fields have started to use this method. Application is developed in a number of different areas, such as meat, blood, wine, and even the antibiotics in soil, drugs, drug abuse, and other contaminants detected. Dikma ProElut™ QuEChERS kits contain extraction and clean-up kits which support AOAC Method 2007.01 and EN Method 15662.
Features of ProElut™ QuEChERS Kits
• Fast, simple sample preparation for multi-residue pesticide analysis
• Wide selection, support AOAC 2007.01 and EN 15662 methods
• Provide guidance to help you choose the right products
• Certified extraction salts and sorbents
• Individually sealed packages for enhanced protection and storage stability
ProElut™ QuEChERS versus Traditional SPE
The ProElut™ QuEChERS method has almost the same analysis results as traditional SPE, with fewer analytical steps, lower solvent consumption, greater accuracy, wider applicability, and higher sample throughput.
Traditional SPE
ProElut™ QuEChERS
Time to process 6 samples (min)
100 - 120
< 25
Solvent used (mL)
60 - 90
< 15
Glassware used
Apparatus used
Low (Part of compounds)
ProElut™ QuEChERS Steps
Step 1 Extraction
Step 2 Clean-up


Weigh 10 g sample,
add 10 mL acetonitrile,
internal standard and
shake for 1 min
Add extraction salts
(buffer + Na2SO4) to
extraction sample and
centrifuge for 5 min
Transfer supernatant to
clean-up tube, shake for
30 sec and centrifuge for
5 min
Transfer cleaned extract
to autosampler vial for
Recommended Standard Operation Procedure for ProElut™ QuEChERS Kit
Original QuEChERS
1. Add 10 mL MeCN to 10 g sample
2. Add internal standard
3. Add 4 g MgSO4 and 1 g NaCI
4. Shake vigorously for 1 min
5. Centrifuge for 5 min
Dispersive SPE clean-up
6. Remove 1 mL of the upper layer
7. Add 25 mg PSA and 150 mg MgSO4 to the 1 mL removed
8. Mix for 30 sec and centrifuge for 1 min
AOAC 2007.01
1. Add 15 mL 1% HOAc in MeCN to 15 g of sample
2. Add internal standard
3. Add 6 g MgSO4 and 1.5 g NaOAc
4. Shake vigorously for 1 min
5. Centrifuge for 5 min
Dispersive SPE clean-up
6. Remove 1 mL of the upper layer
7. Add 25 mg PSA and 150 mg MgSO4 to the 1 mL removed
8. Mix for 30 sec and centrifuge for 1 min
EN 15662
1. Add 10 mL MeCN to 10 g of sample2. Add internal standard
3. Add 4 g MgSO4 + 1 g NaCI + 1 g Na3Citr.2H2O + 0.5 g Na3Citr.2H2O
(+ 0.6 mL 5 N NaOH for lemons, limes, etc.)
4. Shake vigorously for 1 min
5. Centrifuge for 5 min
Dispersive SPE clean-up
6. Remove 1 mL of the upper layer
7. Add 25 mg PSA and 150 mg MgSO4 (add 2.5 or 7.5 mg GCB for matrices with a high content of carotenoids and chlorophyll)
8. Mix for 30 sec and centrifuge for 1 min